Why am I doing this? Why am I posting a blog where I reveal some of my innermost thoughts, particularly when such thoughts go against the socially accepted norms? There is certainly nothing that says I have to do this, I can continue to stay in the closet. After all, in day to day activities, one's religious views are often kept to oneself. Sure occasionally most of us has run into someone whose beliefs involve proselytizing. I have had people invite me to their church, even once had a customer in my store give me a bible. And sure lots of people advertise their Christianity by wearing a cross somewhere on their person. I don't plan on writing a blog in a vacuum. Maybe I will find some catharsis in just putting words down, but I doubt I would feel such if I didn't believe anyone was reading them. So I expect that many of those who may decide to read this are friends, acquaintances, relatives, and coworkers. It is certainly possible, perhaps likely, that I will offend some people in the process. Let me apologize in advance, as that is not my intent.
So, why then, am I doing this? I am doing this to share the story of my journey down the path that has led to my current beliefs. I am not trying to make converts out of current 'believers", nor am I vain enough to believe that I can actually do so. When one becomes a christian or when one is "born again", he or she is usually supported by others on that journey. However, the opposite is often true when one chooses to reject the belief systems of religion. There is no church of atheists. I hope that maybe my story will be helpful to others who are undergoing similar transformations in their own beliefs.
Another reason for this blog is to help clear up the many misconceptions surrounding atheism. When I tell people I am an atheist (and it is not something I currently make a regular habit of), I have been surprised as to some of the responses. I do hope to give others a clearer understanding of what it really means to be an atheist.
While I mentioned that this journey has largely been made on my own, I would not have reached this point alone. I wish to to thank the many persons in the "skeptic community" that have helped me to get here. These are people, who I have never personally met, but whose writings, podcasts, and even songs have influenced me. At the top of the list is one Mr. George Hrab. Listening to his weekly podcast has been hugely rewarding in so many ways. I encourage those who are curious to check it out:
http://geologicpodcast.com/. It is not a show about atheism, although that is a recurring topic. George talks about his personal experiences, performs humorous sketches with a variety of characters that he has created, has interesting segments such as: "The History Chunk", "Interesting Fauna", "Indestructible Bastards", "Geo's Mom Reads Jay-Z Lyrics", and yes, "Religious Morons".
I also wish to thank Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher, Christopher Hitchens, Martin Orford, and especially my wife, Elizabeth without whose support I would be lost.
Lastly, I want to explain "the rules of the blog". I know that some of you will disagree with what I have to say, and some may be offended. For now, I plan to allow comments on the blog, as I would prefer it to be interactive. However, I have no desire to use this a forum for religious debate. If you comment with the intent of starting such a debate, you will find that I will not be a participant. Part of my current belief system is tolerance of, and respect for differing beliefs. I wish for that to be practiced here. Any comments that appear to be motivated by intolerance, or that appear to be personal attacks, will be deleted. So let's play nice, OK?!
Thank you for reading this. I hope you find it to be interesting and thought-provoking.
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